
C's Chicago

This is exciting. It is our first post, the first post of the C's and c's. Much has been done in preparation. Plans made. Outfits decided and sewn to match. Weeks spent widdling away at clay. Brain storming R&R (more to come soon!) in a 9 hour car ride between NF and Chi town.

And now, moments before they are separated, and the true dialogue of this blog begins, both C's and c's sit on a back porch in Chicago IL and prepare this inaugural blog together.

What is this blog about you may ask?
One C thinks this is a good question that we are not 100% sure of the answer.
Other C hopes that you will come along for the journey of finding the "meaning" of this blog.

In the meantime we will share our starting point:

1. 2 artist friends who like to make things and take pictures of things.
2. 2 artist friends who will soon be living on separate continents.
3. Idea! Lets make miniature versions of our selves and take photos of them together here in Chicago.
4. Then, when separated the c's can correspond and send each other weekly pictures, to stay in touch.
5. Oh wait. Realization! The C's just realized that perhaps this is all just a creative way to keep in touch.

So....starting next week (after C moves to Niagara Falls for the summer and later to London in the fall) the c's will begin their weekly correspondence.

Rules: One correspondence per week per c.

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