
c Chicago. week 26. lake abanakee trip #3. snow! (again)

Edinburgh looks amazing!
Have you grown? Or are the people of Edinburgh our size? In the photo you look the same size as your fellow torch carriers.

After Christmas with B's family, B, C and I were off to the Adirondack mountains once again. 3rd time in the past 26 weeks! You remember my week 22 post about snow? Well now Lake Abanakee in it's entirety is frozen!
It looks remarkably like how I imagined the surface of moon (soon c, soon!).
The sun was shining brightly that day and the sounds coming from the ice cracks were like huge pipes bubbling or a gigantic frog clearing its throat.
It was awesome!
B, C and I decided to create a snow shadow portrait. What is that chomping on my leg, you ask?

That crazy dog Aubrey from week 8. She still seems to love kissing me!

Cannot wait for your next post. What an adventure C & H have taken you on.
I am back in Chicago now and looking forward to the new year!

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