
c Chicago. correspondence week 3.

This week has been huge.

As you know! I went on a trip for C's wedding to Niagara Falls and Buffalo and I thought I would share some pix from the trip...

I was very excited about flying for the first time.
However, the flight there had delays and lay overs.
I found that sometimes flying is not very fun.
Lots of sitting in airports.

It was so nice to get to see you again!
Your dress and hair looked fantastic.
I was not surprised, but very impressed.

And it was so nice getting together with the Chicago friends in Niagara Falls!

We have such awesome friends!

Thanks for introducing me to fish. It was nice to meet some locals from Niagara Falls.

C's party danced long into the night.
Thank goodness we were all smiling and exhausted by the time we had to say our goodbyes. :)

Also in Buffalo I got to meet some of C's friends: Monica, Brian, Eleanor and Imogene. They were lovely.
Imogene and I played together a bit.

Eleanor taught me to play Candyland!

And then Brett took me on a tour of the undergrad you and C went to. He showed me around to all the places that he and C spent time falling in love:
The CFA...

Slee Hall (the concert hall where brett had an office)...

and Baird Point.

This all made C nostalgic for the days she roller bladed around Buffalo full of potential and options. Brett and C kept repeating how they had such a wonderful community of friends and artists in Buffalo. And now in Chicago.

It was a fantastic trip.
And now I am back in C's studio in Chicago working on teaching and design work again.

Hope C takes you on her honeymoon,


  1. Eleanor and Imogene are almost your size. Where do you find people like that?

  2. you need to get more manageble size luggage
